Hey I'm a new user,
and was wondering If I could create you Guys a Lolnet Minecraft Server Trailer.
I've created a few other Trailers before, Some of which can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/TuurtleDove ... ature=mhee
And was merely wondering whether you'd allow me to create you one
Thats really awesome! What are you recording it with?
Just one thing, you have lolnet.com in the video, we're lolnet.co.nz
Wish we had the .com but someone owns it already
Oh, I did get the name wrong didn't I ><
Well I suppose I could re-edit a little, render and then email you a fixed version of the Trailer if you really wanted me too haha . Feel free to repost the Vid onto YouTube via the Lolnet Youtube page aswell if you want .
And I record my videos via Fraps and then edit and compress it through SonyVegas Pro 10
Hmmm... Ill have to think about it
Creating 720p Minecraft videos is actually quite basic
Though it did take a bit of interweb surfing and messing about before I had all the settings set up correctly.
I could make a quick tutorial Video and have it up by the end of the week if you wanted me too, Though just don't expect something to professionally made or anything thats all haha
So The videos up a little later than expected but its finally here
Just a Quick vid demonstrating the Fraps and Sony Vegas Settings I personally use
to create my Videos: