Tour of homes


Minecraft Username
I thought something fun we could do with the fun of starting over in a new world is have a tour of homes event. I was thinking wait several weeks to give people a chance to complete their builds, then set an event where we all get to check out each others homes. Anyone who wants to show off their house could sign up to a list with the coords of their home(s) they want to show. Then, for the event the mods/admins could create a string of warps. It could start in spawn with a warp sign leading to the first house. In front of each house could be the warp sign for the next house. Then everyone would be free to go at their own speed and check out each house as much or as little as they want to.



New Member
Sounds like a cool idea :D I've pretty much finished my house, but it's not the best nor prettiest :p

Would be cool to see other players houses for ideas on how to build/design my own stuff.


Best idea I've heard in a while. But I still need to do a lot of work on my house since my house is only a roofless box and a garage at the moment. So can you postpone the event until like 10th of January please? I really want to showcase my house once its done in this.

:diamond: danthemab :diamond:


New Member
With tour of home they would have to be realy got the people wanted to see
They cant just be normal homes that people make in like 10 mins They have to have had sometime put into them


Minecraft Username
@danthemab This is something that would require support from the mods and admins as I do not have the ability to create all of the warps, so if and when it happens is up to them.

@unbeatable56 It is completely up to the people who built the house if they want to participate. If someone only spent 10 minutes on their house but they are proud of it, then they would be welcome to sign up. That being said, I imagine only people who have put a lot of time and effort into their homes would want to sign up, so for the most part you would only be seeing cool homes.
I would love this idea, as i can showcase my house :b been working on it for a while, and yet to be finished :) hopefully this gets approved :p


Minecraft Username
yea, I'm talking about the new homes that everyone has built / is building in 1.7.