Terminus Homes


I have been slowly working away at building my city, however due to an excessive level of pedanticness on my part I went and built many homes in my city that now lay vacant. With an updated and more clearly defined set of donator rules I can no longer sell these houses, but rather than destroying them and making way for plots, I would rather give these out to other donators thus staying within the rules. Homes vary in size but for the most part are small 10x10 houses and have a basic coloured floor but require interior furnishing and walling as desired. Should little interest be shown in this I will merely do this myself and slap names on these homes, but I would prefer them to be 'owned' by other players, it would require the minimalist of effort by donators, mods and admins as we all have creative.

Interested in a free house? Post here or hit me up in games.
If you wish to see what you will be getting, please use '/warp Terminus' or '/warp Visitor_Center' in game.

If using the visitor center, all houses listed as 'vacant' (Shown in brown wool also) are available. And once again, they aren't big or grand homes, but I'd rather be able to slap proper users names on them doors than just have a large swath of empty houses in my city.

Cheers for any interest :)


Minecraft Username
We may be able to look at granting exceptions to the rule by applications, for cities and towns. The primary purpose of it is to prevent profit from the houses, if the moeny were to be used on the city, we could potentially work things out.


That could be good, but I'll leave this offer open to donators anyway as they have invested money they are more likely to be active, which never hurts ;)