[ReSolved]Mod won't help me???

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New Member
There is a '[warmod]' online as i'm type in and called 'Spicy_Orange1' and he said to me that he would help me with a modreq i put in about 15-20 min ago and then i told him and he said he would help but in the and he didn't.
Re: Mod won't help me???

Hi Robbie,

You do realise that staff on lolnet aren't just there to help users. They are normal people too and they deserve to enjoy the game, just like you do. Also, if you keep nagging staff about completing your modreq, which is an offence, it can technically get you jailed. Just be patient and wait till a UserAssistant or a Staff Member is free to help you.



P.S Moderators like Spicy_Orange1 are not payed and are doing a service towards the server, so please respect their feelings too.
Re: Mod won't help me???

I told you, i was playing Warworld, as i had done like 20 modreqs before. Im sick, i have hay fever, and all i wanted to do was relax and play some minecraft, which was made Very difficult when i have some little kid nagging me "can i preezz haz my mooodreqz done???"
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