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i was pvping withThe_BedStealer and frustia then while we were pvping he told me 'mark where did you get that sword?, i have one like that" he asked and asked andasked until
i made a fake rage quit. thats why im here right now and i know he's jelous :lava: :lava:
Re: Lying

So are you reporting the user for spamming you, correct? Or lying? Would be great if you could provide some more information regarding the incident.

Thread UnderReview;
Re: [UnderReview]Lying

Hi Mark.
I presume the user is Lukasa who I talked to this afternoon. He believes that the sword you showed him is his because its the exact name as his old one and the exact same enchantments.
Sword name: The Sharpest Sword In The World.
Enchantments: Looting3 sharp 5 fire 2 knock 2

Just wondering where you got the sword? And the idea for the name? And if it is his now would be a good time to speak up.


Re: [UnderReview]Lying for cashm0

well i hade 2 in total the first one was lost of carelessness then i decided to make a new one BUT mine had Unbreaking 3 but his doest have unbreaking And to the name i figured it out cos i like to see a fancy kill message for example; blabla was killed by markmark using[The Sharpest Blade On Earth]


Re: [UnderReview]Lying

izaaklol12 said:
Sword name: The Sharpest Sword In The World.
Enchantments: Looting3 sharp 5 fire 2 knock 2

I noticed the enchants and sword name mine was Earth His is World and the sword does not have a unbreaking enchant on it so it signifys that my sword and his are NOT THE SAME,AND I DID NOT EVER MADE A SWORD LIKE THAT.
Re: [UnderReview]Lying

No further evidence has come up, talked to Lukasa in chat, everything is sorted out.
Any further issues please inform a staff member, or a UA.

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