[Reduced] Ive ben ban for not calming down

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Pls unban me now,i didint mean it to do that,i was just hot blooded that time
beacos people started saying negative feedback that they are saying "shut the thing off its making me lagg!'' i diint mean to lagg there com i was just trying to have fun while im bulding my machine. im so sorry this would not happen
Re: Ive ben ban for not calming down

Hi Markmark,
I banned you for abusive behaviour, bypassing, and ignoring Ice, who was telling you to stop.

I banned you for two hours so you could calm down.
Now, normally you aren't like this, normally your a pretty cool guy. So please don't do things like this to ruin your reputation.

However you will not be unbanned, as you did break some rules. I will ask KrimzinOriginal to reduce it. But you will not be fully unbanned.
And its not bad feedback, it just makes them lag, so just turn it off.

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Re: Ive ben ban for not calming down

Your ban has been reduced to 30 minutes.

Please do understand that ticking redstone can cause lag (fps drop and chunk updates).
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