nicho115's temp ban

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what ever is in your head that makes you think i x-ray is totally not true, how ever i do use nodus but i dont think i can get any advantage on nuker making me break dirt.
P.S. i never said i use x-ray in faction chat and truely, i didnt. plze comfirm the ip of the person who said i x-ray.

thank you.


Minecraft Username
Using or taking advantage of Nodus is a serious issue. Any form of it, including having it installed is grounds for a ban. Using Nuker is evidence of this.

This ban would only be on grounds for appeal if either:

a) You can prove you weren't using it
b) You believe your punishment is excessively harsh
c) You doubt evidence that we can provie


Minecraft Username
Obviously you woild uninstall it, especially as it gives you an unfair advantage in warwold.


0zlw said:
Using or taking advantage of Nodus is a serious issue. Any form of it, including having it installed is grounds for a ban. Using Nuker is evidence of this.

This ban would only be on grounds for appeal if either:

a) You can prove you won't use it
b) You believe your punishment is excessively harsh
c) You doubt evidence that we can provie
1. How would you like me to proof i wont use it?
2. I do thinks so
3. I never used xray since Applez. I really wonder how you think i said it on faction chat.
P.S. I do know admins can see any message anyone send in lolnet.


0zlw said:
Using or taking advantage of Nodus is a serious issue. Any form of it, including having it installed is grounds for a ban. Using Nuker is evidence of this.

This ban would only be on grounds for appeal if either:

a) You can prove you won't use it
b) You believe your punishment is excessively harsh
c) You doubt evidence that we can provie
1. I wont use it since it already made me get in serious trouble
2. I do believe so especially suspension for warworld
3. I haven't been mining for weeks how would i xray?

P.S I do know our messages sent on lolnet could be seen by admins


Minecraft Username
Er, amending my original message, it is meant to say:

a) You can prove you weren't using it.


Minecraft Username
Post from Neihana's appeal thread, carried over to here:

While little evidence can be provided on the x-ray besides a statement from an important member of your faction.

What does matter is that you used a hacking client. While we caught you nuking, you could have done any number of things. Some of this includes, the plugin showing usernames viewed through walls one of the 'passive abilities' which gives a huge pvp advantage.

Others you could have used was radar to track enemies as well as changing brightness, increasing movement speed, flying, the list goes on. While you were only caught using one of them, any number of these could have been used.

I don't appreciate when users try to be cheeky and tell me that you were just "digging dirt" It's a complete act of manipulating the truth. Accept what you did is wrong and get on with your life.


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nicho115 said:
i am dumb

firstly why would you say that nicho115
secondly 0z quotes can be edited as was yours your original post was correct and has been all day

cheers dez


Minecraft Username
Thanks for that Dezil,

Trying to alter my quote is just stupid and proves that you are simply trying to mislead the audience, and manipulate the truth.
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