My time as Moderator is up

Hey guys as you all know i am a Moderator for this server but unfortunatly i have to resign its been a blast as Moderator for this Wonderfull community and ive enjoyed every minute of it but i am no longer going to be on the server enough to be a Moderator with all my study and exams coming up i will barely be on enough to help people.I may try for the job in further years and yes i will come on the server but not as much anymore and i will see whats up on the forums.So bye guys and enjoy the server.
Hey Zombie,

Its a shame to know you are leaving us, we are losing a great moderator. Didn't really expect you to leave so suddenly.

Not really sure what to say, although, thanks for helping me at times and teaching me things :) All the best for your future and hope to see you around.

You will be missed :)



Minecraft Username
Its a shame that another Old Lonetian like you leave,We've had good times.

Remember the day we were Promoted as MA (Mod Assistant) man what a blast :D We've done Good for the server as Mod Assistants (In my opinion) and now we're Moderators (well your a Moderator Im just a Jnr one :p ) and remember when SlayerX_NZ had a rage at alot of Mod Assistants cos of a particular reason? I was loling :p So yeah, we've had good times on lolnet I know that you had good times with 0zlw too; as you have been around lolnet about the same time as him.

Farewell ZOMBIE_APOCALIPS best of luck to you and your future, hope to see you on visiting.

Au Revoir!



New Member
Hi Zombie,

I hope you are joking about leaving; i'd hate to see you go but if you are leaving; I would like to wish you well with your studies; I know how busy it can get when you have assignments to complete and exams to prepare for... thank you for your assistance and good luck :)
