gladiatorial arena


Minecraft Username
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know about a gladiatorial arena we just opened up in the wilderness world. It is designed for our own unique sport we created, basefooter, but we have also made it pvp so that you can challenge others to a battle. It is a full stadium with seats around it, so you can publicly challenge someone and others can watch the battle. There are locker rooms with iron doors which are operated from the managers booth, so it is a fair fight with both people (or teams) coming out at the same time when everything is ready. Feel free to check it out, and battle if you want. The compass direction is SE 143 degrees. The xyz is x=10366.6 y=70.5 z=-87.8. Come by and check it out. There are still a few areas that are under construction, so please bear with us.
