Hi there!
Most of you will remember me, and they wont be good ones! But I have matured in the past month, and I would like to just ask, can I please be unbanned, as my server is now not in need of advertisement on other servers. I blame the bypassing bans purely on my own maturity and sincerely apologise to christp123 and all of the other staff who make lolnet fun, that I have been rude to. Please, let me back on lolnet, it would mean the world to me!
Most of you will remember me, and they wont be good ones! But I have matured in the past month, and I would like to just ask, can I please be unbanned, as my server is now not in need of advertisement on other servers. I blame the bypassing bans purely on my own maturity and sincerely apologise to christp123 and all of the other staff who make lolnet fun, that I have been rude to. Please, let me back on lolnet, it would mean the world to me!