[Denied] Answer me only please,no ?'s..

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New Member
May I please ask why I cannot connect to lolnet.co.nz?Gives me a Login MSG saying and Repeating "The Ban Hammer has spoken"?So im assuming my computer is IP banned?...You see,it seems like alot of players are getting blamed these days "for apparently giving false details"? True Example:My brother also plays Minecraft on your server and gets banned?So we all have to suffer for his consequences.It seems that there is also alot of character judgement going on with some of the lolnet staff?.It doesnt matter or what excuse you have,they wont believe you? True Example(below):

Admin/Mod:Did you grief or steal a plot?
User:No I didnt?
Admin/Mod:So your are lying to me?
Admin/Mod:So if I was to check the logs right now,and see you griefing will I be right?
User:Well I wouldnt know the answer to that since you havent checked it yet?
Admin/Mod:Yes I see you have griefed..
Admin/Mod:So now you are deceiving me?
User: **BANNED**

(Next time please show proof of logs).

And yes some players do have brothers you know?

What im trying to say is Give a chance,keep that chance and be responsible of that chance.Yes I know my brother "PM me for IGN name" does make duplicate accounts and does inappropriate actions towards lolnet staff and other users,but it does not mean you should ban there IP Address "Even though it was my laptop he uses to play minecraft(Ive also banned him off my laptop)"!.So ill get right to the point rather than raging on about it!!...Unban my IP Address as its just me now who plays Minecraft in the house.

PS:[UPDATED] cptwin I replied back about my server Details "check email+Messages"..

Thanks guys

Your User regards
-Anarchy a.k.a IdontThinkSo
Re: Answer me only please,no ?'s..

also, assuming you have a brother, would you not ask them whether they've been IP banned? and virtually everyone at risk of getting IP banned uses the excuse "i have a brother who plays on this server". well, if we have to get rid of someone deserving to get IP banned, they're informed all users of that computer IP cant access Lolnet, it stands to reason. Also, admins don't have to show you the logs, they're doing their job, and are busy the whole time they're online. showing proof of grief would just be another thing to have to do everytime.
My advice: don't give Mods / Admins any reason to have to Ban in the first place.


Minecraft Username
Re: Answer me only please,no ?'s..

Lets be clear about a number of points. Firstly, we offer you a service, a service you can use for free. If you don't contribute to the server either through paying, or assisting the community, then essentially other people are funding your ability to use the server.

Despite this, we don't go on random banning sprees, or remove players just because we don't like the way you look. Things are handled fairly, with evidence, and if a player is banned, they have an opportunity to make an appeal on the forums. Cases are assessed base on the merit of each individual scenario, you'll see as much if you browse through a number of the appeals.

What your doing here is making some big issue out of issues that are really, pointless, in some form of angry rage at use for your supposed IP ban. Let's be clear here, all you've done is tell me that people have brorthers - which is fine. But if you want to appeal your ban, you should try to be a bit more realistic, and stop believing that having a go at us will get you unbanned.

If you want to be unbanned, don't try to hide behind some hidden name. It's your responsibility to make a proper ban appeal detailing the reasons why you think you or your IP should be banned. Given me details about it yet not revealing who you are, or what I'm dealing with won't get you unbanned, especially since there is no case to exists because your not willing to tell us who you are. If you aren't telling us who you are, it indicates that your not willing to publicly defend yourself and if you don't want to do that I see no reason for you to be unbanned.

Your next claim about "character judging" contains information that has been unashamedly construed to make some sort of point. Why do we not believe users in these circumstances? Because if we've just gone and checked the evidence which says they've done it, then they are lying if they say they havn't.

We don't need to show log evidence for each and every case. Go try some other servers where griefing = instant ban if you think we're overly "harsh". In the event you feel you've been falsely accused, you can make your Ban appeal and the evidence will be reviewed by someone more senior to confirm what has been issued is correct.

Further, it is uncommon for permanent bans to be issued for griefing, as well as deceving a staff member, rather temporary bans/jail is more typical.

Maybe you should think next time before you have a little rant. If all your going to do is say that we're doing things wrong, you won't get very far. If you seriously want to be unbanned, your welcome to exercise your right to appeal the ban, otherwise, you can just blame us for everything.

Wishing you fun times,
Admin 0zlw


Minecraft Username
Re: Answer me only please,no ?'s..

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