Cptwin can you un-ban me please

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New Member
first yes i was saying u used to be a mod with I was just creative creative mode by lord mega and the state about me hacking into those accounts that was part of my ban are lies i never hacked just fibbed about being a mod. and I don't think this should be a life ban. so please unban me.
thank you cptwin


New Member
0zlw let me explain this for you. because he doesnt make sense.

1. Before the server got remade and changed so when the server came out first. Lord_Mega put him and me into creative mode. He left harris_12 in creative.
2. harris_12 thinks he was a mod but he had creative mode on.
3. he did talk smack that he was admin or a mod i was online at the time.
4. i think he harris_12 should make an apolgy to 0zlw to see if he can get his banned lifted for a silly and stupid thing.
5. i was with him at the time and i can swear on my life or account on MC that he did not attempt to log into other peoples acc's.
Thanks for your time Admins (0zlw)

ps If you do lift this ban It would be nice to have our final mate in our group in the server playing. we can bring a lot to this server.

pss im also thinking of donating need to talk to you 0z :D


New Member
I would like to say sorry with every bit of sorrow that i can give. i was just acting stupid and know what dumb things i was saying to you as a admin. so i would like to say sorry and i made a stupid mistake my lied to you as a admin. i would however tell you this i did not ever try logging into other people accounts. so sorry to u 0zlw. would you please un-ban he as i have learned and know what an idiot i made myself. i would also like to help out the sever as it is great and would like to donate to it.
thank you harris_12


Minecraft Username
Hey harris I'll look into it for you.
What date do you think you got into creative mode?


Minecraft Username
Yup, that makes sense and verified with Lord_Mega that he had put some players into creative mode to help him build something last year.
I'll take a look into the other things such as account hacking etc.
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