Please Why Im Banned Idk What Happened!
C Chris_NZ Veteran Veteran Minecraft Username Chris_NZ Jun 18, 2013 #2 Re: Oh my god Why IM bANNED Leone, there is no ban to your name. This is not the first time you have made an appeal without checking the Ban Manager...
Re: Oh my god Why IM bANNED Leone, there is no ban to your name. This is not the first time you have made an appeal without checking the Ban Manager...
T Titan_of_Time Member Minecraft Username Titan_of_Time Jun 18, 2013 #3 Re: Oh my god Why IM bANNED Banned the ip because i belived someone was trying to access other users accounts. Ip unbanned.
Re: Oh my god Why IM bANNED Banned the ip because i belived someone was trying to access other users accounts. Ip unbanned.