Like dan said and put damn well lol
It's great you want to be a user assistant. And all i can say is have at it
However, i told you please dont spam the forums, and you definitely did spam. Posts like i like the server, posts like i got my friend to join. Honestly this is not the way to go to. It's great that you want to move up the ranks, however;
1. Your new
2. You have spammed the forums
3. You have made useless and made irrelevant posts on the forums
4. Basically ignored all tips and hints given to you
5. You have disregarded most of the hints and tips and the comments made to you
The ways to help you out;
1. Try being active on the server and the forums
2. Reply on relevant topics and do NOT spam the forums further
3. Try to help people on the server
4. Take in all the tips and hints people have given to you by people that have been here longer then you would know (and longer then they would like to admit)
5. Do what the user assistants ask of you and other staff members
6. Dont make more user assistant applications because they will most likely be turned down
7. My most helpfull hint would be to make the User Assistants AND the staff team to like you to be able to vote for you. The only way you can get User Assistant rank is by getting 10 yes votes, so you need 10 staff members to say 'yes' to your UA poll. So im not telling you to kiss their arse at all, im saying talk to them, help them out and try to be their friends.
To the buying rank with in-game money. The short answer? No
Long amswer: To be able to be in any rank higher then 'user' you need to donate. The meaning of donate: Give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity. Like Dez said a long time ago, (correct me if im wrong) "by donating we are not obligated to give you anything. We choose to give you something back in return" so if you donate we are giving oh the privilege of what we do give to you.
So you have to help us out, for us to help you out. So giving us $25 in-game dollars is useless as most staff members have 300K+ in-game $$.
So just think about those things