Ban for 7 Days For No Reason...

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New Member
Trying to figure out a redstone trick then

sent to title screen of my minecraft saying iv'e been ban for 7 days...

if you have no reason to ban me why would you do that?
is there something you guys don't like about me then say it
dont hide behind your screen giving me a temp ban for no reason man up and say something dont puss out with no nuts ...


Minecraft Username
please dont resort to abusing staff for no reason. In future if it says you have been banned go look on the Bans forum and check to see if a reason has been posted there, if not wait for a hour or so and give staff time to write up reasonings then you can make a appeal on this forum in a civilized manner. Abusing staff like this wont help your appeal any further and it would be appreciated that in future appeals the correct format is used.


New Member
only with 3+ comments that were to no one but supdoxx saying
3-Come help me
and because i cant even use /msg which i made an attempt at

how is this an offence??
with warnings i took when i noticed them which i think i saw by either bintangeF5 or taxman0_0 either one i say it then stopped and then i was kicked out from looking at my own creation to learn something..?
that's firstly weak
dull stupid and random..
if your were told to shutup then you stopped then 10mins later you were whacked across the head you would think WTF .. would you not?
secondly if they had saw i had stopped using /me they would have thought
"ohh well he stopped.. should we do somthing?"... "nah..."
but no...
only 3 comments were made only to one person because i cant even use /msg i was ban!

second you guys are always able to pick me out of a crowd ...

i cant use the swazstica but i can use the holy cross that only shows you guy are strict with religiosity and you claim your not racist either but you are religiosity.


Minecraft Username
While I havn't yet been able to review the logs related to the incident today I will respond to some of the remarks made at previous comments.

1. For a start make appeal posts that make sense, your first couple of paragraphs make no sense.

2. You claim that we can pick you out of a crowd? Guess what we can, we do, and everybody else on the server can too? Why because you are the only person who consistently abuses other people, spams the chat, uses /me to bypass mutes on probably at least a couple of hundred seperate incidents and spam Swastikas. I feel that we have every right to pick rule breakers out from the crowd.

3. The Swastika is a symbol representative of the Nazi party, that murdered millions of people. Why not wake up and get real. Your standing here claiming we're racist while you spread a symbol and banner that killed millions of Jews. I'm sorry but your obvious lack of concern for other people is shocking, and the fact you try and claim that we are racist for not letting you use it shows your lack of understanding of sensitive religious issues. And guess what? We're not even the only ones who've banned it. You said you used the Sawstika "For Germany" - Using the Swastika for non-religious reasons as you clearly ARE NOT is illegal in Germany and punishable by up to 3 years imprisonment. The way you treat and use the Swatika is like a joke. Grow up and get some respect for the millions of innocents who were killed by people who wore the Swastika on their sleeves.

2012-10-09 16:08:21 [INFO] * rampilow 卐 for germany卐
(Note I believe the (a) sign thingies are the Swastika)

4. The Holy Cross does not stand for the killing of millions of Jews and in mainstream western culture not deemed highly inflammatory towards racists.

5. From your poorly written post I gather you complain about how you only used /me a couple of times and stopped after you've been warned? Guess what we've probably warned you 5 or 10 times in the past, with every kick and every ban with given you. You are not the innocent party here.

I see no legitimate reason why you should be unbanned. You are simply a nuisance to the wider server. Any future chat offenses from you WILL RESULT IN AN IMMEDIATE 28 Day ban.


New Member
Personally, I can't believe the people at lolnet put so much time and effort explaining to degenerates why obvious bans have been put in place... guess it's part of the job of a sysadmin though...
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