Hello there builders and you tubers I couldn't wait to get Cptwins approval so I just went along with it If you have ever watched the RPG makers (link will be here to a video) than you know that they build heaps of awesome shit and talk about shit well doing it well lolnet server 2 its not built up at all so I am calling on all the people that are good at building and you tubers that are good at building I want you to come on to lolnet server 2/ my server and help me build it If you have a mic that's good I am a you tuber myself. So we will all get together Once or twice every week to build some crazy shit and we will PIMP THE SERVER OUT and then It will go up so If you are a you tuber or a great builder than reply to this and put your:
IGN Name:
What your good at:
If a you tuber your channel:
and also if you have a mic/headset:
also if builder what you have built screen shot:
and me or Cptwin if hes going through with it will get back to you and you might be in
IGN Name:
What your good at:
If a you tuber your channel:
and also if you have a mic/headset:
also if builder what you have built screen shot:
and me or Cptwin if hes going through with it will get back to you and you might be in