[Actioned]zoger2345 questionable conduct

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Hi, I'm not sure what you guys will make of this, I for sure am a bit aggravated and hurt by the thoughtless and inconsiderate words stated by this either privileged and/or malicious individual.

I missed a couple screen shots here and there, but the bulk of it is there, the 1st screen shot was taken at 4:30pm.

In a summery zoger2345 said something I saw as being racist.
So, I pulled him up on it, I wasn't a jerk I just asked what it was all about, to which he became incredibly defensive then basically started trolling.
It may not have started as being the worst kind of racist thing someone could say, but he did dig himself a bit of a hole afterwards.
It wasn't until I went back through the screenshots in order to highlight our conversations that I realized he called what he said "playful discrimination".
In all honesty, if I had read that at the time, I might not have been able to be so cool.
zoger2345 is clearly an individual who has no experience of discrimination and cares little of oppressed peoples, with that aside, I believe he does not make lolnet a safe place for people who get called racial slurrs on a daily basis, people who have to deal with being oppressed simply because they where born in the body of a black person (which happens often, let us remember we have users from the US where in some parts racism is rampant, with the economic problems, desperate people have turned to cults like the KKK for closure and someone to blame).
You would think that of all the places that are hostile to people of color, that lolnet would not be one of them.
Which is why I am choosing to report him, as I believe the way I addressed the issue was fine and his response was ridiculous. I personally don't want lolnet to be a safe haven for this kind of behavior, do you?

here are the screenshots.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/exbljndftq11gfv/01 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ulmndon1fkrijr/02 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/enjl7o94io64tyo/03 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/n1bgi83q86np73g/04 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kr6g9kv6kvfxm7v/05 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lvuwkemc5vrrud8/07 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ceapsrjl003a7b/08 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2yjgggfg1lbezb/09 zoger2345.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/15pcj540v7zs0uc/10 zoger2345.png

zoger2354 did not respond to my final question on the final screenshot.

And no, I did not miss uploading number 6, I just numbered the files wrong wrong :lol:

thank you for taking the time to read this.

I hope this is dealt with and not placed in the too hard basket, as I am an advocate of equality, and an advocate of creating a safe environment for the users of lolnet, as I would like to see more people join in on the safe, and fun environment :)

Re: zoger2345 questionable conduct

Hey there Chipsz,

Thanks for you report. The player has been sent to jail, and has also received a final warning. It feels good to know that there are still some users like you, who take their time and provide enough evidence to report a player, making things easier for staff. Also the user has also been told to change the way he is communicating in our server.

If the user is found to be having the same communication style via chat. He will be dealt with harshly, with maximum punishment of a tempban.

Once again, thanks for your time. Im proud of you. Good Job.

User Jailed; Thread Locked
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