[Accepted] Ban Appeal - FunguyXZ12

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=== Ban Appeal===

---About You---

Username: lolnet server: FunguyXZ12

Main server you play on: lolnet.co.nz

---About the Punishment---

Punishment issued: Banned

Length of punishment: Permanent

Reason given in database: X-raying while mining

---Option 2: Your Appeal---

Do you accept what you have done: Yes

Why do you think your punishment should be reduced: I have no excuse that X-Raying is bad thing to do on a server as it makes it unfair towards other players on survival, and it was definitely a stupid decision made by me to do this. If I get unbanned, I probably won't try anything else funny because I do enjoy playing with my friends on this server. I don't mind if I get a ban, because it's just a thing I deserve for trying it and good time to reflect on not to do something like this again. I am sorry to the lolnet staff for breaking the rules and the rest of the lolnet playerbase for doing this.

Additional details/comments: If not done already, I'll probably throw all the stuff found using X-ray into lava.


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Re: Ban Appeal - FunguyXZ12

Accepted, resources have been removed from your base & your inventory wiped. However be warned that you won't get another chance, and say thanks to KronosKiller8 for vouching for you.


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Thank you very much, I'll thank him when I see him.
I promise I won't do it again ^^
PS. I am in the process of removing it (xray rn)
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