I would like just give a quick thanks to everybody that voted for me to be a UA every vote counted, I don't quite know exactly who voted for me so i cant thank them individually but i can thank you like this.
Thanks this has brought me one step forward for fulfilling my one wish to do on lolnet and that is to become a moderator, though it will take a while longer i'll just enjoy the life of a User Assistant.
- Dylanjmj_Nz
I would like just give a quick thanks to everybody that voted for me to be a UA every vote counted, I don't quite know exactly who voted for me so i cant thank them individually but i can thank you like this.
Thanks this has brought me one step forward for fulfilling my one wish to do on lolnet and that is to become a moderator, though it will take a while longer i'll just enjoy the life of a User Assistant.
- Dylanjmj_Nz