To 0zlw i did logg in as schnicks and you please unband crighter.
C crighter New Member Jul 24, 2012 #1 To 0zlw i did logg in as schnicks and you please unband crighter.
ZOMBIE_APOCALIPS Member Jul 24, 2012 #2 Well i was there at the time he did confess to me on the phone and i would like Crighter to live with me on my land again
Well i was there at the time he did confess to me on the phone and i would like Crighter to live with me on my land again
0 0zlw Veteran Veteran Minecraft Username 0zlw Jul 24, 2012 #3 Accessing the accounts of multiple players and staff is a serious offence. I'll be instituting a 7 day IP ban on your IP. After this the ban will be lifted across both accounts.
Accessing the accounts of multiple players and staff is a serious offence. I'll be instituting a 7 day IP ban on your IP. After this the ban will be lifted across both accounts.